Selected Word: ADVANCES

ADVANCES is 8 letters long. It starts with the letter A and ends with the letter S

Dictionary definitions:

Type: verb
Definition: move forwards in a purposeful way.
Example: he advanced towards the dispatch box
Type: verb
Definition: make or cause to make progress.
Example: our knowledge is advancing all the time
Type: verb
Definition: put forward (a theory or suggestion).
Example: the hypothesis I wish to advance in this article
Type: verb
Definition: lend (money) to (someone).
Example: the building society advanced them a loan
Type: noun
Definition: a forward movement.
Example: the rebels' advance on Madrid was well under way
Type: noun
Definition: a development or improvement.
Example: advances in engineering techniques
Type: noun
Definition: an approach made to someone with the aim of initiating sexual or amorous relations.
Example: her tutor made advances to her
Type: noun
Definition: an amount of money paid before it is due or for work only partly completed.
Example: the author was paid a £250,000 advance