Selected Word: DRAW

DRAW is 4 letters long. It starts with the letter D and ends with the letter W

Dictionary definitions:

Type: verb
Definition: be the cause of (a specified response).
Example: he drew criticism for his lavish spending
Type: verb
Definition: produce (a picture or diagram) by making lines and marks on paper with a pencil, pen, etc.
Example: he drew a map
Type: verb
Definition: pull or drag (something such as a vehicle) so as to make it follow behind.
Example: a cart drawn by two horses
Type: verb
Definition: extract (an object) from a container or receptacle.
Example: he drew his gun and peered into the gloomy apartment
Type: verb
Definition: take or obtain (liquid) from a container or receptacle.
Example: a wheel was built to draw water from the well
Type: verb
Definition: finish (a contest or game) with an even score.
Example: Brazil had drawn a stormy match 1–1