Selected Word: PAST

PAST is 4 letters long. It starts with the letter P and ends with the letter T

Dictionary definitions:

Type: adjective
Definition: gone by in time and no longer existing.
Example: the danger is now past
Type: noun
Definition: the time before the moment of speaking or writing.
Example: she found it hard to make ends meet in the past
Type: preposition
Definition: to or on the further side of.
Example: he rode on past the crossroads
Type: preposition
Definition: beyond in time; later than.
Example: by this time it was past 3.30
Type: preposition
Definition: no longer capable of.
Example: he is past giving the best advice
Type: adverb
Definition: so as to pass from one side of something to the other.
Example: a flotilla of glossy limousines swept past
Type: adverb
Definition: used to indicate the lapse of time.
Example: a week went past and nothing changed