Selected Word: QUARTER

QUARTER is 7 letters long. It starts with the letter Q and ends with the letter R

Dictionary definitions:

Type: noun
Definition: one fourth of a pound weight (avoirdupois, equal to 4 ounces).
Type: noun
Definition: each of four equal or corresponding parts into which something is or can be divided.
Example: she cut each apple into quarters
Type: noun
Definition: the haunches or hindquarters of a horse.
Example: they have strong, muscular quarters
Type: noun
Definition: a part of a town or city having a particular character or use.
Example: a beautiful port city with a fascinating medieval quarter
Type: noun
Definition: the direction of one of the points of the compass, especially as a direction from which the wind blows.
Example: we have just had help from an unexpected quarter
Type: noun
Definition: rooms or lodgings, especially those allocated to people in military or domestic service.
Example: they lived in RAF married quarters
Type: noun
Definition: pity or mercy shown towards an enemy or opponent who is in one's power.
Example: the riot squad gave no quarter
Type: verb
Definition: divide into four equal or corresponding parts.
Example: peel and quarter the bananas
Type: verb
Definition: be stationed or lodged in a specified place.
Example: many were quartered in tents
Type: verb
Definition: range over or traverse (an area) in every direction.
Example: we watched a pair of kingfishers quartering the river looking for minnows