Selected Word: RESERVES

RESERVES is 8 letters long. It starts with the letter R and ends with the letter S

Dictionary definitions:

Type: verb
Definition: retain for future use.
Example: roll out half the dough and reserve the other half
Type: verb
Definition: arrange for (a room, seat, ticket, etc.) to be kept for the use of a particular person.
Example: a place was reserved for her in the front row
Type: verb
Definition: refrain from delivering (a judgement or decision) without due consideration or evidence.
Example: I'll reserve my views on his ability until he's played again
Type: noun
Definition: a supply of a commodity not needed for immediate use but available if required.
Example: Australia has major coal, gas, and uranium reserves
Type: noun
Definition: an extra player in a team, serving as a possible substitute.
Example: he was reserve hooker for the World Cup team
Type: noun
Definition: a place set aside for special use, in particular:
Example: a reserve was allocated to the tribe on Bear Island
Type: noun
Definition: a lack of warmth or openness in manner or expression.
Example: she smiled and some of her natural reserve melted
Type: noun
Definition: retain for future use.
Type: noun
Definition: a body of troops withheld from action to reinforce or protect others, or additional to the regular forces and available in an emergency.
Example: the men were stationed as a central reserve ready to be transported wherever necessary