Selected Word: SCRUB

SCRUB is 5 letters long. It starts with the letter S and ends with the letter B

Dictionary definitions:

Type: noun
Definition: denoting a shrubby or small form of a plant.
Example: scrub apple trees
Type: noun
Definition: vegetation consisting mainly of brushwood or stunted forest growth.
Example: a desert plain dotted with scrub
Type: verb
Definition: rub (someone or something) hard so as to clean them, typically with a brush and water.
Example: he had to scrub the floor
Type: verb
Definition: use water to remove impurities from (gas or vapour).
Example: the vapour is scrubbed by the condensate
Type: verb
Definition: Motor Racing
Example: I usually only scrub the front tyre when I get into a turn too hot
Type: verb
Definition: (of a rider) rub the arms and legs urgently on a horse's neck and flanks to urge it to move faster.
Example: by now the field was spreadeagled and scrubbing to keep in touch with the hounds
Type: noun
Definition: an act of scrubbing something or someone.
Example: give the floor a good scrub
Type: noun
Definition: special hygienic clothing worn by surgeons during operations.
Example: Bill emerged from the delivery room in green scrubs
Type: noun
Definition: a semi-abrasive cosmetic lotion applied to the face or body in order to cleanse the skin.
Example: don't use facial scrubs if your skin is sensitive