Selected Word: TAKING

TAKING is 6 letters long. It starts with the letter T and ends with the letter G

Dictionary definitions:

Type: noun
Definition: the action or process of taking something.
Example: the taking of life
Type: noun
Definition: the amount of money earned by a business from the sale of goods or services.
Example: the big test for the shop's new look is whether it'll boost takings
Type: adjective
Definition: (of a person) captivating in manner; charming.
Example: he was not a very taking person, she felt
Type: verb
Definition: lay hold of (something) with one's hands; reach for and hold.
Example: he leaned forward to take her hand
Type: verb
Definition: remove (someone or something) from a particular place.
Example: he took an envelope from his inside pocket
Type: verb
Definition: carry or bring with one; convey.
Example: he took along a portfolio of his drawings
Type: verb
Definition: accept or receive (someone or something).
Example: she was advised to take any job offered
Type: verb
Definition: consume as food, drink, medicine, or drugs.
Example: take an aspirin and lie down
Type: verb
Definition: make, undertake, or perform (an action or task).
Example: Lucy took a deep breath
Type: verb
Definition: require or use up (a specified amount of time).
Example: the jury took an hour and a half to find McPherson guilty
Type: verb
Definition: (of a plant or seed) take root or begin to grow; germinate.
Example: the fuchsia cuttings had taken and were looking good