9 letter words containing the letter X

There are in total 1128 words containing the letter X and 9 letters in length.
Word Length
aboideaux 9
aboiteaux 9
abrasaxes 9
abraxases 9
acetoxyls 9
admixture 9
aerotaxes 9
aerotaxis 9
affixable 9
affixment 9
affixture 9
affluxion 9
aflatoxin 9
airproxes 9
aldoximes 9
alexander 9
alkoxides 9
amphioxus 9
anaptyxes 9
anaptyxis 9
anatoxins 9
annexable 9
annexions 9
annexment 9
annexures 9
anorexias 9
anorexics 9
anorexies 9
anoxaemia 9
anoxaemic 9
anoxemias 9
antefixae 9
antefixal 9
antefixes 9
anthotaxy 9
anthraxes 9
antiauxin 9
antihelix 9
antitoxic 9
antitoxin 9
antivaxer 9
anxieties 9
anxiously 9
apoplexed 9
apoplexes 9
apteryxes 9
apyrexias 9
asexually 9
asphyxial 9
asphyxias 9
asphyxied 9
asphyxies 9
ataraxias 9
ataraxics 9
ataraxies 9
autotoxic 9
autotoxin 9
auxiliars 9
auxiliary 9
auxocytes 9
auxometer 9
auxospore 9
auxotonic 9
auxotroph 9
axilemmas 9
axiomatic 9
axletrees 9
axolemmas 9
axoplasms 9
bandboxes 9
banjaxing 9
banxrings 9
basifixed 9
battleaxe 9
beatboxed 9
beatboxer 9
beatboxes 9
beauxites 9
beeswaxed 9
beeswaxes 9
biaxially 9
biotoxins 9
bisectrix 9
bisexuals 9
bollixing 9
bolloxing 9
boomboxes 9
bostryxes 9
boxboards 9
boxelders 9
boxercise 9
boxfishes 9
boxhauled 9
boxkeeper 9
boxscores 9
boxspring 9
boxthorns 9
boxwallah 9
broadaxes 9
bugfixing 9
buxomness 9
cachexias 9
cachexies 9
cacomixle 9
cacomixls 9
cakeboxes 9
callboxes 9
carapaxes 9
carboxies 9
carboxyls 9
casemixes 9
cashboxes 9
catalexes 9
catalexis 9
cataplexy 9
celecoxib 9
celotexes 9
cetuximab 9
chemsexes 9
chillaxed 9
chillaxes 9
choenixes 9
chronaxie 9
climaxing 9
clinoaxes 9
clinoaxis 9
coalboxes 9
coannexed 9
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coaxially 9
coaxingly 9
coexerted 9
coexisted 9
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commixing 9
complexed 9
complexer 9
complexes 9
complexly 9
complexus 9
confixing 9
confluxes 9
connexion 9
connexive 9
convexing 9
convexity 9
coolboxes 9
coxalgias 9
coxalgies 9
coxcombic 9
coxcombry 9
coxitides 9
coxsackie 9
coxswains 9
curtalaxe 9
cytotaxes 9
cytotaxis 9
cytotoxic 9
cytotoxin 9
decomplex 9
deflexing 9
deflexion 9
deflexure 9
defluxion 9
deindexed 9
deindexes 9
delexical 9
deoxidate 9
deoxidise 9
deoxidize 9
dewaxable 9
dexterity 9
dexterous 9
dextrally 9
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dextrorse 9
dextroses 9
diazeuxes 9
diazeuxis 9
dictatrix 9
digitoxin 9
diplexers 9
directrix 9
disclimax 9
distrixes 9
dorsiflex 9
doxaprams 9
doxastics 9
duplexers 9
duplexing 9
duplexity 9
dyslexias 9
dyslexics 9
dyspraxia 9
dyspraxic 9
dystaxias 9
earthflax 9
editrixes 9
effluxion 9
ektexines 9
endexines 9
endomixes 9
endomixis 9
endotoxic 9
endotoxin 9
epistaxes 9
epistaxis 9
epitaxial 9
epitaxies 9
epizeuxes 9
epizeuxis 9
epoxidise 9
epoxidize 9
equinoxes 9
ethoxides 9
eutaxites 9
eutaxitic 9
euxenites 9
exactable 9
exactions 9
exactment 9
exactness 9
exactress 9
exaltedly 9
exametres 9
examinant 9
examinate 9
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examiners 9
examining 9
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exanimate 9
exanthema 9
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exaration 9
exarchate 9
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exarchist 9
excambing 9
excambion 9
excambium 9
excarnate 9
excaudate 9
excavated 9
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excavator 9
exceeders 9
exceeding 9
excellent 9
excelling 9
excelsior 9
excentric 9
exceptant 9
excepting 9
exception 9
exceptive 9
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excerpter 9
excerptor 9
excerptum 9
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exchanger 9
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exchequer 9
excipient 9
excisable 9
exciseman 9
excisemen 9
excisions 9
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excitancy 9
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excitedly 9
excitonic 9
exclaimed 9
exclaimer 9
exclosure 9
excludees 9
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exclusive 9
exclusory 9
excoriate 9
excrement 9
excreters 9
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excretion 9
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exculpate 9
excurrent 9
excursing 9
excursion 9
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excusably 9
execrable 9
execrably 9
execrated 9
execrates 9
execrator 9
executant 9
executary 9
executers 9
executing 9
execution 9
executive 9
executors 9
executory 9
executrix 9
exegetics 9
exegetist 9
exemplars 9
exemplary 9
exemplify 9
exempting 9
exemption 9
exemptive 9
exequatur 9
exercised 9
exerciser 9
exercises 9
exercycle 9
exergonic 9
exertions 9
exfilling 9
exfoliant 9
exfoliate 9
exhalable 9
exhalants 9
exhalents 9
exhausted 9
exhauster 9
exhibited 9
exhibiter 9
exhibitor 9
exhorters 9
exhorting 9
exhumated 9
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exigeante 9
exigences 9
exigently 9
exilement 9
exilities 9
existence 9
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exitances 9
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exocyclic 9
exocytose 9
exodermal 9
exodermis 9
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exoenzyme 9
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exogamous 9
exogenism 9
exogenous 9
exonerate 9
exonerees 9
exonumist 9
exophoric 9
exoplanet 9
exoplasms 9
exopodite 9
exoration 9
exorcised 9
exorciser 9
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exorcisms 9
exorcists 9
exorcized 9
exorcizer 9
exorcizes 9
exordiums 9
exosmoses 9
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exosmotic 9
exosphere 9
exosporal 9
exospores 9
exosporia 9
exostoses 9
exostosis 9
exoticise 9
exoticism 9
exoticist 9
exoticize 9
exotoxins 9
exotropia 9
exotropic 9
expanders 9
expanding 9
expandors 9
expansile 9
expansion 9
expansive 9
expatiate 9
expectant 9
expecters 9
expecting 9
expedient 9
expedited 9
expediter 9
expedites 9
expeditor 9
expellant 9
expellees 9
expellent 9
expellers 9
expelling 9
expenders 9
expending 9
expensing 9
expensive 9
experting 9
expertise 9
expertism 9
expertize 9
expiating 9
expiation 9
expiators 9
expiatory 9
expirable 9
expirants 9
expiscate 9
explained 9
explainer 9
explanans 9
explanted 9
expletive 9
expletory 9
explicans 9
explicate 9
explicits 9
exploders 9
exploding 9
exploited 9
exploiter 9
explorers 9
exploring 9
explosion 9
explosive 9
exponents 9
exponible 9
exporters 9
exporting 9
exposable 9
exposited 9
expositor 9
exposomes 9
exposture 9
exposures 9
expounded 9
expounder 9
expressed 9
expresser 9
expresses 9
expressly 9
expressos 9
expugning 9
expulsing 9
expulsion 9
expulsive 9
expuncted 9
expungers 9
expunging 9
expurgate 9
expurging 9
exquisite 9
exscinded 9
exsecants 9
exsecting 9
exsection 9
exsertile 9
exserting 9
exsertion 9
exsiccant 9
exsiccate 9
exsolving 9
exstrophy 9
exsuccous 9
extempore 9
extendant 9
extenders 9
extending 9
extensile 9
extension 9
extensity 9
extensive 9
extensors 9
extenuate 9
exteriors 9
extermine 9
externals 9
externats 9
externing 9
extincted 9
extirpate 9
extirping 9
extollers 9
extolling 9
extolment 9
extorsive 9
extorters 9
extorting 9
extortion 9
extortive 9
extrabold 9
extracted 9
extractor 9
extradite 9
extrality 9
extranets 9
extrapose 9
extraught 9
extravert 9
extreated 9
extremals 9
extremely 9
extremest 9
extremism 9
extremist 9
extremity 9
extremums 9
extricate 9
extrinsic 9
extropian 9
extropies 9
extrorsal 9
extrovert 9
extruders 9
extruding 9
extrusile 9
extrusion 9
extrusive 9
extrusory 9
extubated 9
extubates 9
exuberant 9
exuberate 9
exudation 9
exudative 9
exultance 9
exultancy 9
exuviated 9
exuviates 9
fareboxes 9
fauxmance 9
feedboxes 9
fireboxes 9
fixations 9
fixatives 9
fixatures 9
fixedness 9
flambeaux 9
flaxseeds 9
flexagons 9
flexility 9
flexional 9
flexitime 9
flextimer 9
flextimes 9
flexwings 9
flixweeds 9
flummoxed 9
flummoxes 9
fluxgates 9
fluxional 9
fluxmeter 9
fowlpoxes 9
foxfishes 9
foxgloves 9
foxhounds 9
foxhunted 9
foxhunter 9
foxsharks 9
funplexes 9
fuseboxes 9
fuzzboxes 9
gearboxes 9
genotoxic 9
gigapixel 9
gloxinias 9
gogglebox 9
gravadlax 9
gravlaxes 9
grawlixes 9
hellboxes 9
hemotoxic 9
hemotoxin 9
heterodox 9
hexachord 9
hexadecyl 9
hexafoils 9
hexaglots 9
hexagonal 9
hexagrams 9
hexahedra 9
hexameral 9
hexameter 9
hexamines 9
hexaploid 9
hexapodal 9
hexapodic 9
hexastich 9
hexastyle 9
hexathlon 9
hexylenes 9
homoeobox 9
homosexes 9
homotaxes 9
homotaxic 9
homotaxis 9
hotboxing 9
humidexes 9
hydroxide 9
hydroxium 9
hydroxyls 9
hypertext 9
hypotaxes 9
hypotaxis 9
hypoxemia 9
hypoxemic 9
immixture 9
implexion 9
imposexes 9
indexable 9
indexible 9
indexical 9
indexings 9
indexless 9
inexactly 9
inexperts 9
infixions 9
inflexion 9
inflexure 9
influxion 9
innoxious 9
intertext 9
ixodiases 9
ixodiasis 9
jukeboxes 9
juxtapose 9
ketoximes 9
kickboxed 9
kickboxer 9
kickboxes 9
klaxoning 9
kleenexes 9
laxations 9
laxatives 9
laxnesses 9
leiothrix 9
letterbox 9
lexically 9
lexigrams 9
listboxes 9
lixiviate 9
lixivious 9
lixiviums 9
lockboxes 9
loxodrome 9
loxodromy 9
luxations 9
luxmeters 9
luxuriant 9
luxuriate 9
luxurious 9
luxurists 9
mailboxes 9
malaxages 9
malaxated 9
malaxates 9
malaxator 9
marxisant 9
mastopexy 9
maxiboats 9
maxicoats 9
maxidress 9
maxillary 9
maxillula 9
maximally 9
maximands 9
maximised 9
maximiser 9
maximises 9
maximists 9
maximites 9
maximized 9
maximizer 9
maximizes 9
maximumly 9
maximuses 9
mediatrix 9
megapixel 9
meloxicam 9
metaxylem 9
methoxide 9
methoxies 9
methoxyls 9
metroplex 9
minimaxed 9
minimaxes 9
minoxidil 9
mixedness 9
mixmaster 9
monaxonic 9
monkeypox 9
monoxides 9
monoxylon 9
multiplex 9
mycotoxin 9
myxamebae 9
myxamebas 9
myxamoeba 9
myxedemas 9
myxedemic 9
myxocytes 9
myxoedema 9
myxoviral 9
myxovirus 9
nalidixic 9
naloxones 9
naproxens 9
narthexes 9
neocortex 9
neotoxins 9
nestboxes 9
neuraxons 9
nitroxyls 9
nonexempt 9
nonexotic 9
nonexpert 9
nonextant 9
nonsexist 9
nonsexual 9
nontoxics 9
noxiously 9
obnoxious 9
oratrixes 9
orthoaxes 9
orthoaxis 9
orthodoxy 9
outboxing 9
outfoxing 9
outjinxed 9
outjinxes 9
overexact 9
overexert 9
overmixed 9
overmixes 9
oversexed 9
overtaxed 9
overtaxes 9
oxacillin 9
oxalating 9
oxazepams 9
oxazolone 9
oxidating 9
oxidation 9
oxidative 9
oxidisers 9
oxidising 9
oxidizers 9
oxidizing 9
oximeters 9
oxpeckers 9
oxtongues 9
oxyanions 9
oxycodone 9
oxygenase 9
oxygenate 9
oxygenise 9
oxygenize 9
oxygenous 9
oxymorons 9
oxyphiles 9
oxyphilic 9
oxytocics 9
oxytocins 9
oxytropes 9
packwaxes 9
panchaxes 9
panmixias 9
pansexual 9
paradoxal 9
paradoxer 9
paradoxes 9
paralexia 9
paralexic 9
parataxes 9
parataxis 9
paroxysms 9
pemphixes 9
pentoxide 9
pepperbox 9
peroxided 9
peroxides 9
peroxidic 9
perplexed 9
perplexer 9
perplexes 9
perspexes 9
phalanxes 9
pharynxes 9
phenoxide 9
phoenixes 9
phototaxy 9
pickaxing 9
pillarbox 9
pillboxes 9
piscatrix 9
pixelated 9
pixelates 9
pixellate 9
pixilated 9
pixilates 9
pixillate 9
plaintext 9
planxties 9
pleiotaxy 9
pleonexia 9
plexiform 9
poleaxing 9
pollaxing 9
polyaxial 9
polyaxons 9
polymyxin 9
pompholyx 9
poorboxes 9
postaxial 9
postboxes 9
postfixal 9
postfixed 9
postfixes 9
preexcite 9
preexempt 9
preexilic 9
preexists 9
preexpose 9
prefixing 9
prefixion 9
prehallux 9
premixing 9
prepollex 9
pretexted 9
priedieux 9
princoxes 9
prolixity 9
prothorax 9
protoxide 9
protoxids 9
proxemics 9
proximate 9
proximity 9
pseudaxes 9
pseudaxis 9
pyridoxal 9
pyridoxin 9
pyroxenes 9
pyroxenic 9
pyroxyles 9
pyroxylic 9
pyroxylin 9
quixotism 9
rattlebox 9
reaffixed 9
reaffixes 9
reannexed 9
reannexes 9
reexamine 9
reexecute 9
reexhibit 9
reexplain 9
reexplore 9
reexports 9
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reexpress 9
reflexing 9
reflexion 9
reflexive 9
refluxing 9
reindexed 9
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relaxable 9
relaxants 9
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religieux 9
remixture 9
reoxidise 9
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retexture 9
retroflex 9
rheotaxes 9
rheotaxis 9
rituximab 9
salpinxes 9
saltboxes 9
sandboxes 9
saxifrage 9
saxitoxin 9
saxonites 9
saxophone 9
scramasax 9
sealwaxes 9
seedboxes 9
sexaholic 9
sexcapade 9
sexennial 9
sexennium 9
sexercise 9
sexhungry 9
sexlessly 9
sexlinked 9
sexologic 9
sextanses 9
sextantal 9
sextarius 9
sextettes 9
sextolets 9
sextoness 9
sextupled 9
sextuples 9
sextuplet 9
sexualise 9
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sexualist 9
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sexualize 9
sexvalent 9
shadowbox 9
shoeboxes 9
showboxes 9
signalbox 9
siloxanes 9
simplexes 9
sixpences 9
sixscores 9
sixteener 9
sixteenmo 9
sixteenth 9
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sixtyfold 9
soapboxed 9
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sonovoxes 9
spandexed 9
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spintexts 9
spondulix 9
strongbox 9
subclimax 9
subcortex 9
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submatrix 9
suboxides 9
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suffixing 9
suffixion 9
sulfoxide 9
superflux 9
surtaxing 9
synaxaria 9
talkboxes 9
tamoxifen 9
tanorexia 9
tanorexic 9
taraxacum 9
taxaceous 9
taxameter 9
taxations 9
taxdodger 9
taxiarchs 9
taxidermy 9
taximeter 9
taxiplane 9
taxlessly 9
taxonomer 9
taxonomic 9
taxpayers 9
taxpaying 9
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teletexes 9
teletexts 9
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telotaxis 9
testatrix 9
tetraxons 9
tetroxide 9
tetroxids 9
textbooks 9
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textorial 9
textphone 9
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textually 9
texturing 9
texturise 9
texturize 9
texturous 9
thyroxine 9
thyroxins 9
tickboxes 9
tinderbox 9
toolboxes 9
tortrixes 9
toxaemias 9
toxaphene 9
toxically 9
toxicants 9
toxicoses 9
toxicosis 9
toxigenic 9
toxocaral 9
toxocaras 9
toxophily 9
transaxle 9
transfixt 9
treewaxes 9
triaxials 9
trioxides 9
trioxygen 9
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tubifexes 9
tuckboxes 9
tuckerbox 9
unannexed 9
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unexcited 9
unexcused 9
unexpired 9
unexposed 9
unextinct 9
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unfixable 9
unindexed 9
unisexual 9
unmixable 9
unmixedly 9
unperplex 9
unrelaxed 9
unsexiest 9
untaxable 9
uxorially 9
uxoricide 9
vexations 9
vexatious 9
vexedness 9
vexillary 9
vexillate 9
victrixes 9
videotext 9
viropexis 9
waxcloths 9
waxflower 9
waxplants 9
waxworker 9
windowbox 9
woadwaxen 9
woadwaxes 9
woodboxes 9
woodwaxen 9
woodwaxes 9
workboxes 9
wraxlings 9
xanthates 9
xantheins 9
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xanthines 9
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xanthones 9
xanthoxyl 9
xenically 9
xenoblast 9
xenocryst 9
xenogenic 9
xenograft 9
xenoliths 9
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xenomenia 9
xenophile 9
xenophobe 9
xenophoby 9
xenopuses 9
xenotimes 9
xenurines 9
xeraphins 9
xerically 9
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xerochasy 9
xeroderma 9
xerograph 9
xeromorph 9
xerophagy 9
xerophile 9
xerophily 9
xerophyte 9
xeroseres 9
xerostoma 9
xiphoidal 9
xiphopagi 9
xylidines 9
xylocarps 9
xylograph 9
xyloidine 9
xyloidins 9
xylometer 9
xylonites 9
xylophage 9
xylophone 9
xylorimba 9
zanthoxyl 9
zootaxies 9
zootoxins 9